Page name: subjects of caesar [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-08-08 23:44:25
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Loyal Subjects of Caesar Ikilios

-you can choose to be whatever you do and be almost long as you follow the format. (u can also be a loyal subject AND an enemy at the same time)

Race:previously human
Physical Description:stands 5'3'', has dark brown, almost black eyes. Has pale skin and short black hair. Prefers a dark grey cloak for normal wear, dons a black, ninja-esque outfit when on a mission.
Personality:Malekith tends to be reqluse, very misterious. doesent like to give information, nor converse with anyone but those he trusts.
history: Melekith's history is known only to him and the caesar. currently he is employed as the caesar's main assassin
Carries... a dagger at the small of his back, one in each of his boots, and another within his sleeve. always has a long sword strapped to his back. he also carries various throwing knives hidden all over his person.

Username: [test_drive]
Name: Leonor
Race: Human
Age: 20
Physical Description: Long, wavy brown hair, green eyes, tall, slim, porcelain skin, wears a flowing, white robe trimmed with gold
Personality: very independant, doesnt like being babied, likes to go out rather than stay in the palace
Carries... nothing in particular

Username:[Kit Azhure]
Physical Description: Kathryn is as slender as a birch tree. She has emerald eyes and raven black hair that falls past her hips. She wears a white toga over one shoulder which is trimmed in green embroderie, that matches her eyes, and has gold and silver trim.
Personality: Kathryn is quiet and calculating. She is one who isn't easily noticed, and she usually never does anything with out thinking.
Carries... what ever is appropriate, or what ever she wants or hidden weapons you never know with her ;).

Name: Morious
Race: human
Age: 21
Physical Description: small build, brown hair, blue eyes, simple face nothing that great about him but nothing that noticable either
Personality:carefree and always drinking somthing be it water or wine...mainly wine
Carries... bottle to his waist and bow over his back with a small quiver next to it. no visible metal weapons

Name: Venator
Race: human
Age: 26
Physical Description: A tall well built man with light brown hair and dark calaculating eyes. He wears the dress of the legion and bears that mark upon his arm. Personality: Cold, calculating and clever. Though he is not without heart. He is a model to him men, a good friend and loyal to his crown.
Carries... dagger and roman short sword

Name: Kaeso (Caius' brother)
Race: human
Age: 24
Physical Description: Taller than his brother, Caius, but still of a medium build. Brown curls and brown eyes. Wears a white toga trimmed in gold and a light green.
Personality: Very much the oppisite of his brother, Kaeso is very much driven by his emotions. He views the Caesar as a good man, just and loyal to Rome and thus supports him. He's not as simple as he first appears and often gives a lot of thought to decisions. He is quick to make both friends and enemies based on their personalities which sometimes conflicts with his personal political views. (i.e. he is good friends with his brother even though their veiws on the Caesar are so different) He knows nothing of Caius' traitorous side. He works in Caesar's palace as a cook and food tester, so he isn't afraid of dying fo rhis Caesar. He is also very loyal to the gods and goddess and is often seen in the Pantheon, praying.
Carries... Several cooking appliances (you never know when he's going to have to whip up something at the Caesar's whim) and incense for the Pantheon.

Username:[luthor huss]
Physical Description: He's about 6'4" and has the look of a very experienced warrior. He has short dark hair and is most likely spanish in origin. He is a very muscular man with many ferocious looking scars that look like they may have been recieved in combat. He wears the armour of the Roman Legions which is kept in the best condition although a little worse for the wear.
Personality He is a very dark and mysterious man who reveals little to those people which he speaks to. A former Gladiator in the Colosieum, he became a champion and eventually earned his freedom from the Ceasar. Through this release the Caesar has thus earned his undying loyalty. He is currently employed in the Roman legions, second only to Aurelius. When he is off duty he can usually be found drinking in a tavern. He is skilled in the arts of war and has excellent proficiency with most impliments of death.
Carries...As one of the most versatile warriors in the army he carries a bastard sword and a long sword on his belt and a large flail on his back, although he has also been seen weilding a large two-handed battle axe in one hand. Around his neck is a simple wooden cross.

Username: [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]
Name: Nilmawen
Physical Description: Her hair is black, flowing down to her waist. Her skin is flawless except the freckels that dot the bridge of her nose, with eyes the colour of the deepest blue that seem to be emotionless. Her whole body is shapely and for the most part covered by a roman dress. A cloak which she wears only outside is of the colour blood red and her favorite articule. She has no jewlary or expensive itams of any sort for she is just a lowly chamber maid.
Personality: her biggest trait is shyness. Rarely will she ever be seen talking to a stranger...Or anyone for that matter. She is quite a loner. No one has ever tested her temper before so no one knows how far she will go. She has a stubborn streak and has never been knowen to give up at anything. She has the gracfulness of a panther, which has proved useful for sneaking around...
Carries: A dagger for protection in a strip of leather on her thigh.

username:[Aragorn, king of Gondor]
name:James Elwood

Disciption: 6 even short dark hair, blue green eyes, well built he wears armor of the old age,
Personality: He is very outspoken, he love to be with friends, he has a short tempor he will stand and fight for any lady
Carries: A long sword, and 4 throwing knifes

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2004-02-03 [test_drive]: woohoo for new joiners! i love u all!

2004-02-03 [cheesemonkey]: i knnow u love me, need to share

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